Group Four

Strategical reasoning in social networks

Games are a powerful method for analyzing social practices, but also for designing new practices. They are also attractive because of their perspicuous links with logic and computation. In this part, we will study a variety of graph games that model various basic social scenarios, and we do so in tandem with the development of new dynamic logics that specify properties of the games and that encode reasoning about players, equilibira and long-term temporal evolution. The result will be a systematic view of game design and logic design that spans the range from the study of actual games played in practice to the varieties of games found in the computational study of social networks, and even to the mathematical foundations of the logic-games interface.

  • Johan van Benthem (Stanford & Tsinghua)
    • Dominik Klein (University of Bayreuth)
    • GUO Meiyun (South West University)
    • XIONG Zuojun (South West University)
    • JIANG Guifei (Nankai University)
    • Davide Grossi (University of Groningen)
    • LI Dazhu (Tsinghua University)