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. Losing Connections: Modal Logics of Link Deletion. Journal of Logic and Computation, to appear, 2019.

. Collective Belief as A Tendency towards Consensus. under submission, 2019.

. Building Jiminy Cricket: An Architecture for Moral Agreements Among Stakeholders. in Proceedings of the 2019 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society, 2019.

. On the Right Path: A Modal Logic for Supervised Learning. LORI-19, 2019.

. Game Equivalence and Bisimulation for Game Description Language. Proceedings of the 16th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI-2019, CCF C), 2019.

. From Classical to Non-Monotonic Deontic Logic using ASPIC+. LORI-19, 2019.

. Converging on Common Knowledge. Proceedings of the Twenty-Eight International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, {IJCAI-19}, 2019.

. Characterizing the Expressivity of Game Description Languages. Proceedings of the 16th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI-2019, CCF C), 2019.

. Logics for Analyzing Games. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2019.

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. From Oughts to Goals: A Logic for Enkrasia. Studia Logica, 2019.

. 图博弈的设计与模态逻辑的发展. 《清华大学学报》, 2019.


. 关于规范、价值和偏好的实践推理. 《清华大学学报》, 2019.


. 关于社交网络中主体行为的推理和预测. 《暨南学报》, 2018.

. When Names Are Not Commonly Known: Epistemic Logic with Assignments. Advances in Modal Logic Vol 12., 2018.

. Losing Connections: Modal Logics of Definable Link Deletion. accepted and presented at LOFT 13, Milano, 2018.

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. A logic for temporal conditionals and a solution to the Sea Battle Puzzle. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Modal Logic, 2018.